Passport or photo ID and credit or debit card is necessary to collect the bike!

You are obliged to have lights if you go through the tunnels.Any damages, loss or theft for all rental bikes in this contract will be charged to the lessee`saccount. Riding the bikes or taking part in an excursion is at your own risk. The company doesn't accept any liability.

The rented bicycle, accessories and additional equipment are in impeccable technical conditionwhen given to the lessee and must be returned to the lessor at the expiry of this contract in the same perfect condition. Bikes wheels specofication may be subject to change depending on the riders weight.

All the bike repairs and adjustments can only be performed by Start With Bike mechanics. It is strongly forbidden to interfere with any bike settings. Failure to comply to the terms and conditions will invalidate the insurance, loss of deposit and terminate the contract.


  1. To extent this contract the lessee need the permission of the lessor. The lessor will calculatean increased hiring rate of 100 % to the lease price if the extension of the contract was notconfirmed. Regarding the previous paragraph it must be made clear that any insurance takenby the lessee included in the tariff will cease to be effective at the point of time the contractexpires.
  2. If the lessee cancels or hands back the bicycle earlier than he has to, the lessor will keep thehire charges.
  3. Strictly forbidden is the following:
    1. Usage of the bicycle outside the designated paths and to take the bicycle to the beachat all, any damages arising from a breach of this rule are to be compensated by thelessee himself.
    2. Riding through seawater is also forbidden. Upon acting against this rule the depositshall be kept back.
    3. The riding of the bicycle by any person other than the lessee or his designee, saiddesignee having being properly authorized by the lessor at the request of the lesseeand the lessee being fully responsible for him/her.
    4. Riding the bicycle in a dangerous manner or under the influence of any substance orillness which could impair the psychological and physical state or reflexes of therider.
  4. In connection with this the lessee is reminded that the wearing of a helmet is compulsory!
  5. The tariff doesn't includes insurance. Voluntary insurance covers the bike damage up to 300euro.
  6. Any damages or injuries which shall occur by or to the rented bicycle, and also whichcannot be clearly attributed to the responsibility of a particular party shall be charged to thelessee's account.
  7. The lessee has to inform the lessor about any damages on the bicycle. The lessor willremedy and repair deficiencies within a reasonable time.
  8. The lessee has to pay immediately any damages caused by an accident, inappropriate usageor vandalism. Any damage can not be allocated with the rent deposit in case of ancontinuation of the lease contract.
  9. The contracting parties submit themselves expressly to the courts and tribunals in thejurisdiction of the municipality in which this contract is made with implied waiver of theirown jurisdiction.

Please do not leave the bike unattented!